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Behind Closed Doors *

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Bring Me Back, the new gripping thriller by B A Paris, is available now** `If you love The Girl on the Train read Behind Closed Doors' - ELLE magazine Everyone knows a couple like Jack and Grace. He has looks and wealth, she has charm and elegance. You might not want to like them, but you do. You'd like to get to know Grace better. But it's difficult, because you realise Jack and Grace are never apart. Some might call this true love. Others might ask why Grace never answers the phone. Or how she can never meet for coffee, even though she doesn't work. How she can cook such elaborate meals but remain so slim. And why there are bars on one of the bedroom windows. Sometimes, the perfect marriage is the perfect lie. The new book by bestselling author BA Paris, Bring Me Back, is available to pre-order now `This outstanding novel will leave you breathless.'-Bella `If you love The Girl on the Train read Behind Closed Doors.'- Elle `Twists our expectations of the entire psychological thriller genre'- The Guardian `The tension builds almost unbearably'- Good Housekeeping `This outstanding debut novel will leave you breathless.'- Bella `This one is 2016's answer to Gone Girl. `Nuff said.'- Women's Health UK `It took me just an afternoon to read this book and by the end, my heart was pounding. If you like fast and frantic stories, you'll love this.'-The Sun `Brilliant, chilling, scary and unputdownable'-Lesley Pearse, bestselling author of Without a Trace `Behind Closed Doors' is an intriguing, sharply gripping debut thriller'- 'BEHIND CLOSED DOORS is both unsettling and addictive, as I raced through the pages to find out Grace's fate. A chilling thriller that will keep you reading long into the night.'-Mary Kubica, bestselling author of The Good Girl `Behind Closed Doors gives us a glimpse into the realities of a `perfect marriage', with addictive and heart pounding moments guaranteed to have you looking at your friends and neighbours differently.'-Margaret Madden, Bleach House Library 'An utterly compelling journey through the darker side of the human psyche. Your blood will run cold but you won't be able to stop reading, I promise you that.'- Sarah Harper, Lovereading reviewer `This has been one of my best re
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